Glaucoma Therapy

Glaucoma Treatments Savanah, GA

Glaucoma is the second leading cause of blindness. It can damage your vision so gradually you don’t notice any loss of vision until the disease is at an advanced stage. This is an eye condition that develops when too much fluid pressure builds up inside of the eye. The increase in pressure, called intraocular pressure, can damage the optic nerve, which transmits images to the brain. If damage to the optic nerve from high eye pressure continues, glaucoma will cause loss of vision. Without treatment, it can cause total permanent blindness within a few years. Because most people with glaucoma have no early symptoms or pain from this increased pressure, it is important to have regular routine eye exams so that any issues can be diagnosed and treated before long-term visual loss occurs.

Is Glaucoma Hereditary?

A family history of glaucoma does increase the incidence of glaucoma in family members and a routine ophthalmologic examination should be scheduled. If you have family history of glaucoma schedule a checkup with an eye doctor.

What is the difference between ocular hypertension and glaucoma?

Ocular hypertension describes the condition in which the intraocular pressure is above normal. It can exist on its own and not be associated with glaucomatous optic nerve damage. It warrants close follow-up as some patients with ocular hypertension may develop damage in the future. If you have a family history of glaucoma and have ocular hypertension, your doctor may choose to treat you with drops.

What is narrow angle glaucoma?

Narrow angle glaucoma occurs when the fluid produced normally in the eye cannot reach the site where most of this fluid normally exits the eye. The prognosis is good for patients in whom a timely diagnosis is made and appropriate laser treatment performed. With narrow angle glaucoma, an acute glaucoma attack can occur which is often associated with pain, blurred vision, and a red eye. However, some patients have a chronic form of this disease and have no symptoms.

Is it possible to have glaucoma and cataracts at the same time?

Glaucoma and cataracts often appear together, as they are commonly present in older patients. There are many new surgical techniques which can help patients with both of these conditions.

Our Glaucoma Doctors